Social security for women in India, despite the existence of multiple Government sponsored schemes, is an issue that has not yet been tackled efficiently as these schemes still fail to reach the most marginalized women in society. Due to a series of systemic failures, women’s lives and work are adversely impacted in both the productive and reproductive domains. There is, thus, an urgent need to efficiently implement social security schemes for women in order to counter their vulnerability in our society.

Key Challenges


Treat all our family girls and boys equally
Respect the dignity of women
Support underprivileged, deprived and downtrodden women financially, morally and politically
Discourage family members from taking money or any other allurement for voting

Respect women just like men when they join politics
Provide opportunities for women to participate in community events and decision making
Understand that it is beneficial to the society if women became active in politics
Don’t look down upon women in politics

Support 50% reservation for women in Parliament and local Self Governing bodies
Change public perception that women can’t be successful public figures
Hold special conventions for grooming women politicians at all levels
Ban all politicians from holding public offices who have pending rape & sexual assault cases against them